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Relaxation Suite

The Spa at Parknasilla Resort 

Relaxation Suite

‘wellness inspired by nature’


Embracing this philosophy as inspiration and a concept for our design brief we commissioned images to be taken of the local species of crustose or rock lichen which can be found thriving in the grounds of Parknasilla. Offering the most fascinating depth of field, texture and range in colours on our five feature back lit glass panels.


Setting the mood and feel of the suite with soft lighting we toned calming colours with pebbles from Parknasilla’s own beach along with a native Irish wood - Larch. Offering warming qualities with plentiful character in the grain and the perfect timber for our curved feature wall.


Ergonomically designed ‘cocoon’ relaxation beds themed with a full height crisp white sheer- voile drape following the natural compound curves of the Larch modesty partition add the finishing touches and bring together the soothing, calming feeling inspired by the natural forms and beauty found in the woodlands, ocean and mountains surrounding Parknasilla - ‘wellness inspired by nature’

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