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Dromquinna 1150


Bespoke mahogany fold out table with engraved and hand carved map detail of South West Ireland. 


We also installed an insulated hidden wine cellar in a  doorway step.  

Installed on Redbay 1150 

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Hand selected imported Peruvian Mahogany with African Rosewood Wenge detailing.

Half fold table with curved stainless steel support grab rail which acts as a table support when the table is opened. The top side of the table is engraved with the Dromquinna Logo with two rectangle inset trays with wenge framing. Table edges are curved and rounded with wenge stringing inlay detail with a concave profile. Once opened the table is engraved with the map of the Kerry coast and predominantly Kenmare Bay. Engraving gives the deep inset detail of the coast with pin point accuracy which also leaves the surface a lovely deep brown colour. The entire surface of the sea was then hand carved and embossed to create wave forms and give added texture to the table. An anchor marks home port location on the map with compass as reference.


Numerous coats of base lacquer were applied to seal the grain, then finished off with 5 coats of high gloss lacquer, finally buffed with a polishing compound to bring out the lustrous deep gloss finish.

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